Kenya Beach Holidays

Kenya is an East African country that happens to be a travel destination both locally and internationally. This is because of the coastal beaches, Amazing warm people, the diverse cultures and the beautiful flora and fauna.

In Swahili, a safari is an overland journey that was considered for hunters; with time the word Safari has resonated more with tourists. There are many beaches in Kenya due to its proximity to the massive Indian ocean and other water bodies like Lake Victoria; these include Diani Beach, Nyali Beach, Gazi Beach among others. Therefore, beach safaris in Kenya are worth a try due to variety of experiences they offer;

Sunbathing; Well, the beaches in Kenya are ideal for sunbathing due to the breathtaking environment, the white sand and the sun’s presence. This set up is perfect for beach lovers that enjoy the sun.

Swimming; a number of the beaches in Kenya have convenient swimming areas especially those along the Indian Ocean. This tropical place is ideal for water lovers that enjoy water adventure.

Historical site seeing; Yes! Wondering why? This is because the beaches especially those along the Indian Ocean have the coral reefs. These happen to be a great tourist attraction and carry historical value because of the millions of plants and animals that decayed to form the coral reefs a long time ago. This offers a refreshing feel for the tourists that visit the beaches. There is also the Fort Jesus Museum at Diani Beach which holds a lot of historical value concerning the slave trade and the Portuguese. Therefore, this makes the Diani Beach specifically worth a visit.

Water game activity; The beaches in Kenya are an amazing center of water games. These include sightseeing underwater, scuba diving, boat cruises, skating on water boards among others. This kind of activity is a great opportunity for guests to unwind with the bustle and hustle of the city with so many beaches like Lamu that offer such services.

Sand games; The white sand beaches are a perfect location for beach soccer and volleyball. This kind of activity allows visitors to have fun and play as they bury their feet in sand with the lovely feeling of coolness all around you. It is even more enjoyable with friends and family. You can also play games with friends as you bury yourself under the white sand.

Romantic getaways; Sounds fun right? Well, to the couples out there, please try the romantic setting of a candlelight dinner on the beach. It is a wonderful feeling that is worth it and the experience is breath taking. The feel of the white sand is a pleasant feeling.

Where to do beach safaris in Kenya?

Aside from lovely activities to carry out on the tropical white sand beaches. Here is a list of beaches that you can visit while in Kenya;

Diani Beach; this is one of the most popular and beautiful beaches in Kenya. It is found along the Indian Ocean around Mombasa and is famous for the Fort Jesus Museum, Water game activities and white sand. The feel of the Indian Ocean is also worth the experience and visit.

Nyali Beach; this is one of the most beautiful beaches around the Mombasa area. It is famous for its mouthwatering delicacies of fish and chips. Aside from that, it is famous for the Volleyball games and beach soccer that is played by tourists and the locals that stay around.

Lamu Beach; This is an amazing Beach found along the Indian Ocean between Mombasa and Lamu town. It is also known for its two famous bays; Manda bay and Shela bay, both bays offer a wonderful experience of bird watching, fishing and marine activities. You can also get a clear view of the Indian Ocean from this beach.

Gazi Beach; This beach is found between Mombasa – Malindi and is famous for its white sand features. It is also a good resting area because of the serene clean environment. The breathtaking view is amazing and the green-blue waters are an attraction for most of the tourists.

There are other coastal beaches like The Shanzu beach, the White sand Mombasa beach among others. So in general, planning a beach trip is one of the most interesting activities to do while in Kenya.

In addition to that, as you plan for the trip consider the accommodation packages, transport, food and other necessities from the different travel blogs, tour companies and sites. You can also look for travel companies that offer affordable prices, group discounts and are a pleasure to visit.

Furthermore, endeavor to carry essential documents, necessary clothing suitable for the beach, and travel with a close group of people such as friends, family or workmates to enjoy your trip. Please do as much research as you can when planning for these beach safaris. Also, always be cautious while at the beach to stay safe from robbery, thieves or even marine accidents by dangerous water animals.